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一、you are nothing but

but后面接什么就是想强调什么。通常是be nothing but 比如说 :

This is only hearsay/ It's nothing but hearsay. 这只不过是听说而已。

It is nothing but earth, like all the other earth. 那里只有泥土,和其他地方的泥土没什么两样。

And tomorrow, there will be nothing but another firm determination for the next day. 而明天,只不过是为第二天做的另一个坚定的决心。

Now there is nothing but time. 现在除了时间我一无所有。

They were left with nothing but their seeds. 他们什么都没了,只剩下了种子。

So for days and days she had nothing but bread and butter and tea. 所以好多天来她只有黄油面包和和茶来充饥。

They demand nothing but cash and often promise payouts of 95% or better. 除了现金,它们一无所求,还时常允诺超过95%的胜率。

Nothing but contempt is due to those people who ask us to submit to unmerited oppression. 对于那些要求我们服从我们不能受之压迫的人,我们有的只是轻蔑。

Derrida famously, notoriously, said "there is nothing outside the text," right? What he meant by that, of course, is that there's nothing but text. 德里达著名地,恶名昭彰地,说道,文本之外什么都没有“,是吧,当然,他意思就是说,需要考虑的只有文本。

二、hearsay evidence是什么意思

hearsay evidence传闻证据双语对照词典结果:hearsay evidence[英][ˈhɪəˌseɪ ˈevidəns][美][ˈhɪrˌse ˈɛvɪdəns]n.非直接证据,传闻证据; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.For instance, military commissions allow the government greater latitude to use hearsay evidence--testimony where a witness doesn't have direct knowledge of the fact asserted. 比如说,特别军事法庭使政府可以有更大的空间使用间接证据,即证人在对认定的事实缺乏直接了解的情况下提供的证据。

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