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Rock and Roll或Rock&Roll,也有简称Rock的


“Rocking 摇滚”一词最初是被唱圣诗 (gospel)的美国南部歌手使用。(并非传统圣诗,而是黑人那种带有背面节拍'backbeat'的R&B,是摇滚的前身之一),意指一种使人精神上升上天堂的音乐。可是到了40年代,这一词是用作双关语,字面上定义为一种舞蹈,里面却隐含着性爱的意义;例如 Roy Brown(蓝调歌手)当时的歌是叫“Good Rocking Tonight”。这种歌因当时一般被贬为叫做“种族音乐 race music”(音乐界对R&B的代称)而很少被音乐界的主流——白种人所听到。1951年,在俄亥俄州的克里夫兰市里有个叫 Alan Freed的DJ,开始为他的白人听众播出这种音乐,而就是Freed被誉为第一个为这种震撼的R&B音乐奠定“Rock and roll, 摇滚乐”这个称号。

对于何张唱片称得上是第一张摇滚乐唱片仍然存有许多争议。候选者包括Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats在1951年的《Rocket 88》,以及后来更广为人知的《Maybellene》、《Johnny B. Goode》(Chuck Berry)或《Bo Diddley》(Bo Diddley)、《Rock Around the Clock》(Bill Haley & His Comets),或者按照滚石杂志(RollingStone magazine)2005年富有争议的观点:Elvis Presley(猫王)在孟菲斯(美国田纳西州西南部一城市)为SUN records厂牌发行的第一支单曲《That`s all right》。一些历史学家追溯的更远,他们指出,类似Fats Domino之类40年代音乐家的曲风难以与摇滚乐相互区分,其中包括:《Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby?》(Louis Jordan)、《The Oakie Bookie》(Jack Guthrie,1947)以及《Rock Me to Sleep》(Benny Carter and Paul Vandervoort II,1950)。

那些较早具有影响力和先驱精神的艺术家们于1955年开始被记录:Bill Haley, Elvis Presley,Fats Domino,Little Richard,Chuck Berry,Jerry Lee Lewis。


Kind words are the music of the world.善言是世间的音乐.音乐使一个民族的气质更高贵,哪里有音乐,哪里就乐融融!Music makes a qualities of race higher and expensive,where have music,where enjoy to melt!I write for no other purpose than to add to the beauty that now belongs to me.(Jack London,American writer)音乐要用心灵去听,用头脑去感觉.(法国作家 雨果 V)Music has charms to soothe a savage breast,to soften rocks or bend a knotted oak.(William Congreve.British dramatist)音乐有着抚慰粗野的胸怀、软化顽石或使千年老树弯腰的魅力.(英国剧作家 康格里夫 W)Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing.(John Erskine,American educator)音乐是唯一不能用及表达卑鄙的或讽刺的事物的语言.(美国教育家 厄斯金 J)。


EP:Extended Play,慢速唱片.EP是CD的一种,播放设备亦与普通CD一样,没什么特殊要求.EP与CD又略有区别,每张EP所含曲目量较CD少,一般有1-3首歌左右,最多也不会超过5首歌,价位比一般CD低.EMI唱片公司,全称:电力及音乐集团(ELECTRICAL AND MUSICAL INDUSTRIESLTD),集团成立于1931年,总部设在英国伦敦,前身是1897年成立于伦敦的英国留声机公司,是当今历史最悠久的唱片公司,迄今已有百年.EMI的历史几乎就是整个唱片业的发展史,许多著名的唱片厂牌都与EMI有着剪不断的脐带关系.。


Early rock music sources very extensive,mainly including Bruce,R & B,and country music,there are other Gospel music,traditional pop,jazz and folk music.All these effects together constitute a simple to Bruce-based song structure,it is quick,suitable for dancing,and easy to remember.The first batch of rock stars - Chuck Berry,Elvis Presley,Little Richard,Jerry Lee Lewis,Buddy Holly,Bo Diddley,Bill Haley,Gene Vincent,the Everly Brothers,Carl Perkins,there are many other stars - established rock the model,and in the subsequent 40 years have been followed by the people.In every decade,there is always a lot of artists copy of the first batch of rock hands to the music,while the rest of those artists,and some had expanded the definition of rock and roll,while others are completely break this to be confined to schools model.From the British invasion,civil rock,magic rock,to hard rock,heavy metal,gorgeous rock,then punk,in fact every rock in the branches of the initial schools are the most loyal to the rock the basic structure.But if such a change occurred,the traditional pop rock from the list gradually disappeared - Of course,some artists have always maintained a shine.Some bands,such as the Rolling Stones and the Faces,they always adhere to the most basic rules of traditional rock,but their music in a more rapid more freely.Some other bands,such as the prototype punkers the Velvet Underground,the New York Dolls and the Stooges,they retained the basic structure of the music,but their actions are a more threatening element.。


AC/DC,老牌硬摇滚乐队,经典乐队之一,推荐名曲high way to hell,black in black,You Shook Me All Night Long

the devil wears prada,金属核乐队,双主唱一人用残暴的死嗓,另一个则是甜美的emo唱腔,推荐他们的专辑《plague》,比较喜欢的单曲Assistant To The Regional Manager,HTML Rulez D00d,You Can't Spell "Crap" Without "C"等等


deathstars,瑞典的工业金属乐队,低沉的唱腔,冷酷的节奏,推荐《night electric night》,单曲比较喜欢death dies hard,The Mark Of The Gun,Babylon,Opium

dope,工业金属乐队,比较喜欢他们的6-6-sick,Now or Never

norther,北方人乐队,北欧旋死,感觉很像博多之子,推荐《mirror of the madness》

devildriver,美国金属核乐队,比较喜欢Clouds Over California,I've Been Sober,I See Belief

trivium的Like Light to the Flies,Dying in Your Arms,Torn Between Scylla and Charybdis,A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation

three days grace,加拿大另类摇滚乐队,我很喜欢的一个乐队,暴烈的歌曲曲风硬朗,柔情的歌曲首首都可以当做催泪弹,推荐新专辑《life stars now》里的break,柔情的推荐pain,never too late,on my own

breaking Benjamin,新金属乐队,个人喜欢you are not alone,firefly,so cold等等

lamb of god,美国现在最红的金属核乐队之一,我的最爱,最爱他们的《ashes of the wake》这张专辑,推荐单群laid to rest,hourglass,walk with me in hell,redneck,Pathetic

avenged sevenfold,金属核偏流行的乐队,变形金刚2的配乐almost easy就是他们的歌,推荐他们的同名专辑《avenged sevenfold》

disturbed,美国新金属乐队,推荐《the sickness》这张专辑

bring me the horizon,美国的一个年轻的金属核乐队,推荐《suicide season》这张专辑,推荐单曲Chelsea Smile,The Comedown

bullet for my Valentine,激流金属加emo的混合体,主唱长得也还行,我也比较喜欢的乐队,推荐《the poison》这张专辑

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