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1. 古诗怎么翻译成英文




推荐你可以看下英美现代诗歌早期的代表人物Ezra Pound,此人翻译了无数中国古诗,并且在20世纪初在欧美掀起了一股中文古诗热。他的翻译还是很具有代表性的。希望你能够从中找到一些灵感。

2. 中国古诗怎么用英语翻译



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3. 古诗怎么翻译成英文






A ragged fringe is the floating-heart,

left and right we trail it:

that mild-mannered good girl,

awake, asleep, I search for her

竹里馆 In A Retreat Among Bamboss

独坐幽篁里Leaning alone in the close bamboos,

弹琴复长啸I am playing my lute and humming a song

深林人不知Too softly for anyone to hear --

明月来相照Except my comrade, the bright moon

送别 A Parting

山中相送罢 Friend, I have watched you down the mountain

日暮掩柴扉Till now in the dark I close my thatch door。.

春草明年绿Grasses return again green in the spring,

王孙归不归But O my Prince of Friends, do you?

相思 One Hearted

红豆生南国When those red berries come in springtime,

春来发几枝Flushing on your southland branches,

愿君多采撷Take home an armful, for my sake,

此物最相思 As a symbol of our love.

下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒Down ZhongNan Mountain To The Kind Pillow And Bowl of Husi


暮从碧山下Down the blue mountain in the evening,

山月随人归Moonlight was my homeward escort.

却顾所来径Looking back, I saw my path ,

苍苍横翠微Lie in levels of deep shadow。.

相携及田家I was passing the farm-house of a friend,

童稚开荆扉When his children called from a gate of thorn

绿竹入幽径And led me twining through jade bamboos

青萝拂行衣Where green vines caught and held my clothes.

欢言得所憩And I was glad of a chance to rest

美酒聊共挥And glad of a chance to drink with my friend。.

长歌吟松风We sang to the tune of the wind in the pines;

曲尽河星稀And we finished our songs as the stars went down,

我醉君复乐When, I being drunk and my friend more than happy,

陶然共忘机 Between us we forgot the world.

4. 中文古诗翻译成英文古诗


夜来风雨声,花落知多少。spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?《静夜诗》床前明月光,疑是地上霜。

举头望明月,低头思故乡。silent night thoughtsseeing the bright moon above my room,suspious of frost on the ground.I rise to watch the moon,I bend to think of home.《行行重行行》行行重行行,与君生别离。


思君令人老,岁月忽已晚。弃捐勿复道,努力加餐饭! journey after journey,apart from you,my dear.thousand miles away,the end of the earth;the road narrow and long,when can we meet each other?the horse is against the mighty wind,the bird makes a nest on the branches.days have been long since we aparted,I miss you so much,clouds covering the sun,I cannot return,missing you makes me age,times are late suddenly,,what I can only do,is to have more meals.。

5. 中文古诗翻译成英文古诗

中译英:FangFei world April, dragon pond blooming blossom in spring. Long hate beginning to find no place, don't know to come in here. The late spring of grass, trees, truly know soon. YangHua red violet FangFei measures, YuJia without exorbitant solution snow. The chunxiao "spring without sleep, everywhere smell. / bird, The rain falls, flower how much knowledge. The night before the bed of poems, the moon is bright. Withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia. The weight of heavy bottom bottom bottom bottom, born parting. In all, about more than 20,000 in tianyi ya, Roads and long, I meet resistance? In the north, Mr Ma NaZhi nest. Turn on theday has inhibition technique, unofficially engaged, Clouds by wandering, regardless of the cap. Beth jun is old, and already late. Don't refuse to donate, add complex meal! This involved in mining of lotus, lotus LanZe river in more. The left to who? "In the way. Still, despite the old township roads at the overflowing. From one to live in, sadness. "From afar, from afar, since I end). In turn, more than 10,000 people ShangEr! Wen, double color for the tree was cut ducks. With long, with "puzzled. With plastic pitch in the paint, who can feeling here. "A good knowledge of seasonable rain season, when the spring is happened. Wind into night, moistens everything silently. Black clouds all night, jiang diameter. Ship fire alone, Xiao see red wet, flower kam officer. The birth of acacia bean, spring tosend some southern branch. It may gather prince the lovesickness.。

6. 古诗怎么翻译成英文

看看这些范文吧,希望对你有帮助“关关雎鸠, 在河之洲。

窈窕淑女, 君子好逑。” A ragged fringe is the floating-heart, left and right we trail it: that mild-mannered good girl, awake, asleep, I search for her竹里馆 In A Retreat Among Bamboss 独坐幽篁里Leaning alone in the close bamboos, 弹琴复长啸I am playing my lute and humming a song 深林人不知Too softly for anyone to hear -- 明月来相照Except my comrade, the bright moon 送别 A Parting 山中相送罢 Friend, I have watched you down the mountain 日暮掩柴扉Till now in the dark I close my thatch door。

. 春草明年绿Grasses return again green in the spring, 王孙归不归But O my Prince of Friends, do you? 相思 One Hearted 红豆生南国When those red berries come in springtime, 春来发几枝Flushing on your southland branches, 愿君多采撷Take home an armful, for my sake, 此物最相思 As a symbol of our love. 下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒Down ZhongNan Mountain To The Kind Pillow And Bowl of Husi 李白 暮从碧山下Down the blue mountain in the evening, 山月随人归Moonlight was my homeward escort. 却顾所来径Looking back, I saw my path , 苍苍横翠微Lie in levels of deep shadow。. 相携及田家I was passing the farm-house of a friend, 童稚开荆扉When his children called from a gate of thorn 绿竹入幽径And led me twining through jade bamboos 青萝拂行衣Where green vines caught and held my clothes. 欢言得所憩And I was glad of a chance to rest 美酒聊共挥And glad of a chance to drink with my friend。

. 长歌吟松风We sang to the tune of the wind in the pines; 曲尽河星稀And we finished our songs as the stars went down, 我醉君复乐When, I being drunk and my friend more than happy, 陶然共忘机 Between us we forgot the world.。


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