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1. “感人的”用英语怎么说

“感人的”的英文: impressive

impressive 读法 英 [ɪm'presɪv] 美 [ɪm'presɪv]

adj(形容词). 给人深刻印象的;感人的


1、impressive aphasia 感觉性失语

2、impressive example 令人难以忘怀的例子

3、Impressive Diversification 骄人经营业绩

4、Impressive Support 令人印象深刻支持

5、Impressive Manor 令人印象深刻的庄园


Impressive 反义词 unimpressive

unimpressive 读法 英 [ˌʌnɪm'presɪv] 美 [ˌʌnɪm'presɪv]

adj(形容词). 印象淡薄的;无印象的


1、His academic record was unimpressive.


2、At this distance, it looked small and unimpressive.



1、fairly unimpressive 相当平淡无奇

2、unimpressive a 无印象的

3、Unimpressive battery life 电池寿命相当低调

4、an unimpressive family 一个乏善可陈之家

2. 用英语怎么对朋友说感人的话100字

非常高兴与你一起度过的每一分钟,希望能使你每时每刻都开心,想起你的名字感觉很甜蜜,期望着与你再见!I am very happy to spend every minute with you, hope to make you happy every moment, think of your name is very sweet, look forward to seeing you!想你的每日每夜都有笑容伴我入眠,谢谢你给我的爱,我的最爱。

Think of you every day with a smile with me to sleep, thank you for my love, my love.生活是海,距离是舟,生活是舟。距离是海,有你相伴,绝对精彩!Life is the sea, the distance is a boat, life is a boat. Distance is the sea, with your company, absolutely wonderful!在我孤寂忧伤的时候,你默默地给我慰藉、温暖,使我感动。

我将把这一切视为最可贵的馈赠、最宝贵的财富。When I was lonely and sad, you gave me comfort and warmth, which made me moved. I will regard this as the most valuable gift, the most valuable wealth.感谢上苍,使我与你相遇。

愿上苍保佑你的善良和真诚,愿我们常相聚,永不分离。Thank God that I met you. May God bless you with kindness and sincerity. May we always be together and never part.朋友是灯,帮你驱散寂寥,照亮期盼。


朋友是糖,帮你冲淡苦涩,挂满甜蜜。A friend is a lamp, to help you get rid of loneliness, hope to illuminate. Friends are tea, to help you filter impetuous, save the quiet. Friends are the water, to help you moisture for a while, preservation of the world. Friends are sugar, to help you dilute the bitter, sweet.独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。

今得与君同窗,如切如磋,如琢如磨,其乐无穷。Science alone without friends, is solitude and smell. Now I polish with you classmate, regarded as an endless enjoyment.无论将来如何,我都要感谢你,感谢你来到我的生命中,带来了美丽、快乐,感谢你给了我永远珍视的记忆。

No matter what the future, I would like to thank you, thank you for coming to my life, bring a beautiful, happy, thank you for giving me the memory of forever.你撑住了我倾斜的生活的船舷,泱泱碧水任我复苏的灵魂游弋向前,向前。You hold my life's great inclination, my soul as blue water cruising recovery forward, forward.你给我的最珍贵的礼品--真诚的友情,在我生活的银河中,犹如一颗明亮的星星。

The most precious gift that you have given me, the true friendship, is a bright star in the Milky way of my life.你的友情,在我的生活里就像一盏灯,照亮了我的心灵,使我的生命有了光彩。Your friendship, in my life is like a lamp, lit up my heart, so that my life is glorious.感谢岁月让一只船,在这里找到了落帆的愿望。

你的温情不是花朵,是青青的枝,冬天过后总有新叶。Thank you for years make a boat, find enough food here. Your warmth is not a flower, it is a branch of green, there is always a new leaf after the winter.感谢你关切地注视我在人生道路上不断迈进,用友谊启发我对未来的追求。

Thank you for your concern to keep me on the road of life, and to inspire my future with friendship.感谢天,感谢地,感谢网络让你我相遇!说不清为什么,可我对你的思念一天比一天多,甚至在梦里有你的微笑。Thank God, thank you, thank the network to let you meet me! I can't tell why, but I miss you more than a day, and even in a dream with your smile.自从有了你,快乐变得很具体,只为你众目轻轻下迅速的一瞥。

忧伤也变得很简单,只为一个守候太久的电话。Ever since you, happiness has become very specific, only for you like a quick glance gently. Sadness also become very simple, only for a long time waiting for the phone.我们未来的道路是山路崎岖。


Our future path is rugged mountain road. But as long as you accompany, and then do not feel tired. And climbed to the top of the mountain to see the scenery is the most beautiful.你以如此动人的方式祝贺我的生日,真是考虑周到,慷慨大方,我会十分珍爱这份礼物,以谢你的深情厚意。You with such moving way to congratulate my birthday, really is thoughtful, generous, I will cherish this gift, to thank you for your kindness.在我眼里你并不是一个完美的人,但你是一个比完人还能让我快乐的人,有了你我的生活变得有趣味。

In my eyes you are not a perfect person, but you are a perfect can make me happy, with you, my life becomes interesting.生日那天收到你的意外之礼真让我欣喜万分,你还记得我真让人暖心,我打心眼里感激你的一片心意。For my birthday I got you the unexpected gift really make me glad extremely, do you remember I really let person with a warm heart, I really appreciate you a piece of my mind.非常高兴与你一起度过的每一分钟,希望能使你每时每刻都开心,想起你的名字感觉很甜蜜,期望着与你再见!I am very happy to spend every minute with 。


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