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1. 0到101的英语单词怎么写

from zero to one hundred and one或者:0 zero1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three24 twenty-four25 twenty-five26 twenty-six27 twenty-seven28 twenty-eight29 twenty-nine30 thirty31 thirty-one32 thirty-two33 thirty-three34 thirty-four35 thirty-five36 thirty-six37 thirty-seven38 thirty-eight39 thirty-nine40 forty41 forty-one42 forty-two43 forty-three44 forty-four45 forty-five46 forty-six47 forty-seven48 forty-eight49 forty-nine50 fifty51 fifty-one52 fifty-two53 fifty-three54 fifty-four55 fifty-five56 fifty-six57 fifty-seven58 fifty-eight59 fifty-nine60 sixty61 sixty-one62 sixty-two63 sixty-three64 sixty-four65 sixty-five66 sixty-six67 sixty-seven68 sixty-eight69 sixty-nine70 seventy71 seventy-one72 seventy-two73 seventy-three74 seventy-four75 seventy-five76 seventy-six77 seventy-seven78 seventy-eight79 seventy-nine80 eighty81 eighty-one82 eighty-two83 eighty-three84 eighty-four85 eighty-five86 eighty-six87 eighty-seven88 eighty-eight89 eighty-nine90 ninety91 ninety-one92 ninety-two93 ninety-three94 ninety-four95 ninety-five96 ninety-six97 ninety-seven98 ninety-eight99 ninety-nine100 onehundred101 onehundred and one。

2. 0的英文怎么写



英 [ˈzɪərəʊ] 美 [ˈzɪroʊ]


1.a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number.

synonym: zero; nought; cipher; cypher;



2.indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration.

synonym: a zero score



3. 数字0用英语怎么说

zero 英文发音:['zɪərəʊ] 中文释义: 1、n. 零;零度;最低点;完全没有;无足轻重的人或物 例句: Make sure you are not dividing by zero. 确保不会除零。

2、adj. 零的;无价值的;零视度的 例句: Zero choice is the fastest route to low quality. 零选择是通向低质量的最快捷路线。 3、v. 把 。

调零;瞄准;集中注意;迫近 例句: You should zero in a machine gun at 500 yards. 你应该把机枪的瞄准器调整到500码的距离上。 短语: 1、zero growth零增长 2、zero hour 零点,重要事件开始的时刻 3、zero position零点位 4、zero water蒸馏水 扩展资料 zero的近义词: nullity 英文发音:['nʌlɪtɪ] 中文释义: n. 无效;无价值的事物或人;[数] 零度;退化阶数 例句: The author claims China should build the corporation nullity, which is based on the logic of civil law system. 笔者依托于大陆法系的理论框架,主张在我国应建立公司设立无效制度。

短语: 1、nullity agent 无权代理 2、nullity willmigerl 无效 ; 婚姻无效 3、absolutely nullity 绝对无效 4、nullity set 零度集合 5、corporation nullity 设立无效。

4. 0英语写法

zeronzeros 或 zeroes 零Nought is another way of saying zero. 'nought'是'zero'的另一种说法。

零点,零位,零度5 degrees above zero 零上5度The temperature was 20 degrees below zero. 温度为零下20度。预定开始时刻It is now 10 minutes to zero. 离预定的开始时刻还有10分钟。

zerovzeroed, zeroing (常与in on连用)对准 注意 在说科学数字时, '0'一般读作'zero'。naught nil none nothing zero[5ziErEu]n.(pl. zeros, zeroes)【数】零零号(即0), 零点, 零位, (温度计的)零度, 冰点, 零值; 【航空】零高度最低点, 计算起点无足轻重的人, 没有价值的东西【天】天底[Zero ]第二次世界大战时日本的零式战斗机seven degrees below zero零下七度absolute zero【物】绝对零度(摄氏零下273度)zero-lift angle【航空】零升角Their hopes reduced to zero.他们的希望破灭了。

zeroadj.(云幕)将视力限制在50英尺以内的; (水平能见度)165英尺以内的zero gravity 飞行时的失重状态 zero hour零的[诗]无屈折的缺少的, 没用的, 无词尾变化的, 零形态的军事进行的发动时间决定性时刻, 关键时刻vt.把(机械等)的调节器调整归零把。减少[低]到零位调整(枪炮)的射距集中炮火于。

瞄准He zeroed in his rifle at 50 meters.他把步枪调整到50米(的射程)。zerovi.集中炮火; 注意力集中于某事、某物(in)An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad.敌人炮兵集中炮火于那个十字路口。

zero-alternantn.零交替成分zero-and-positiven.零-正zero-beat(s)n.零拍, 零差zero-biasn.零偏压zero-clearancen.无隙zero-crossingn.零点交叉zero-currentn.零值电流zero-decrementadj., n.无衰减(的)zero-driftn.零点漂移; 零位偏移zero-errorn.零误差zero-featuren.零特征zero-freeadj.无零点的zero-impedancen.零阻抗zero-inn.瞄零校正; 瞄准具校正zero-incidencen.零冲角; 零攻角zero-initialn.零起点偏压zero-leveln.起点级; 零(能)级; 零电平zero-markn.零位记号; 零位刻度zero-pointn.零点, 原点, 起点; 致死临界温度zero-pressuren.零压zeroadj.无压力的zero-rejectn.来者不拒zero-resettingn.归零, 回零zero-resistancen.零电阻zeroishadj.接近零度的zeroize[`zIErEJaIz,`zi:-]vt.(计算机)归零zeroth[`zIErEJT,-rEJW,`zi:-]adj.第零的air zero原子弹空中爆炸中心fly at zero[英]超低空飞行(在一千英尺高度以下)zero in on(使)瞄准。; (使)对准。

; 对。集中火力[注意力]absolute harmonic measure zero绝对调和测度零actual ground zero(原子弹)实际爆心(地面)投影点algebraic zero代数零点balance zero天平零位binary zero二进制“0”center zero零点中心closed-loop zero闭环零点common zeros公共零点content zero零容度count interrupt zero零计数中断decoupling zero解耦零点desired ground zero【军】预期爆心投影点developmental zero发育始点, 发育零点distinct zeros相异零点, 不等零点, 不重复零点electrical zero电零位electrocapillary zero电毛细零点false zero虚零点floating zero浮动原点generic zero一般零点ground [surface] zero【军】爆心投影点, 面零点hyperbolic zero抛物线零点in-circuit zero在线零位index zero指标零inferred zero刻度外的零点leading zero无效零, 超前零left zero左零limes zero(缩Lo)无毒界量measure zero零测度output decoupling zero输出解耦零点phonic zero零(语)音physiological zero生理零点positive zero【自】正零quadratic zero二次零点read zero读出零scale zero刻度零点simple zero单零点, 一阶零[极]点suppress zero“封锁零”指令, 消零, 去零suppressed zero校正零点tangential zero相切零点theoretical zero理论发育零点time zero计时起点, 时间零点true zero真零点two-sided zero双边零vernier zero游标零点zeron.零点, 零度num.零。

5. 0的英语怎么读








naught : 用于小数点前(即整数)的0,例:0.62, naught point six two

nil :three goals to nil三比零

nothing :Two minus two leaves nothing.二减二等于零

amount to nothing等于零

zero 也用于数据中读法.

love【体】零分 3 to love 三比零

"O"字母大写的O P Q 的O.只用于数据号码中的读法.


19800568 中的两个零的读法1) zero,zero连读.

2)double "O",一定不可读成double zero.


19800568 读法:one nine eight zero zero five six eight

或 one nine eight double "O" five six eight.号码一般这样读.

数据也有这样读,当然也可以按nineteen million ,eight hundred thousand ,five hundred and sixty_eight.

zero: [ 'ziərəu ] 源于意大利语,所有发音不规范.


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