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1. 请帮我把下列英文句子改为倒装句

1.Hardly had she arrived when it began to swow.2.Scarcely had he got home when the telephone rang.3.No sooner had the bell rung than the students quieted down.4.Hardly had he said when he began laughing.这句已经倒装了5.Scarcely had the meeting begun when it was stopped.。

2. 英语:将下列句子改成倒装句

1. (原句)He gave a lot of presents to his friends, but he has never given one to me. (never 划线)

改为:He gave a lot of presents to his friends, but never has he given one to me.

解释:否定副词 never 放句首,never 后面采用部分倒装形式,把助动词 has 提到主语前面。

2. (原句)I have seldom seen a situation which made me so angry. (seldom 划线)

改为:Seldom have I seen a situation which made me so angry.

解释:否定副词 seldom 放句首,用部分倒装,把助动词 have 提到主语前面。

3. (原句)You will see so many seats only at a stadium in Beijing. (only 划线)

改为:only at a stadium in Beijing will you see so many seats.

解释:“only + 状语”结构放在句首,主句里面采用部分倒装,把助动词 will 提到主语前面。

4. (原句)You'll be able to write a good report only after you have acquired the information you need. (only after 划线)

改为:only after you have acquired the information you need will you be able to write a good report.

解释:(与第3句相同)“only + 状语”结构放在句首,主句里面采用部分倒装,把助动词 will 提到主语前面。状语从句里面还是用正装顺序,即 after 从句不作改变。

5. He was so absorbed in the novel that he did not notice his father at the door. (so that划线)

改为:So absorbed was he in the novel that he did not notice his father at the door.

解释:so…that, such…that 引导的结果状语从句,当 so, such 放句首时,主句部分里面采用部分倒装的方式,把助动词 was 放到主语前面去,而 that 后面的从句不作改变。

6. A poor family lived at the foot of the mountain. (at the foot of 划线)

改为:At the foot of the mountain lived a poor family.

解释:at the foot of the mountain 是一个介词短语。当表示地点的介词短语放在句首时,为了保持结构平衡和意思连贯,通常采用全部倒装的形式,即把谓语动词(不是助动词或情态动词)整个放到主语前面去。


3. 【初一英语:倒装句怎样把句子倒装

倒装句之部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前.如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do,does或did,并将其置于主语之前.一、副词here,there,in,out,up ,down,away,back,now,then,ahead 等位于句首,当谓语动词是be,come,go,follow,run等表示位置移动的动词,而且主语又是名词时,需要把谓语动词放主语之前,即全部倒装.注意:A 此类倒装不用进行时态度.B若主语是代词时,不用倒装.一、副词here,there,in,out,up ,down,away,back,now,then,ahead 等位于句首,当谓语动词是be,come,go,follow,run等表示位置移动的动词,而且主语又是名词时,需要把谓语动词放主语之前,即全部倒装.注意:A 此类倒装不用进行时态度.B若主语是代词时,不用倒装.二,含有否定意义的词放句首,部分倒装.三,only+状语,部分到装 四、表示上文的状况也适合另外一人或事半功倍有下列 五、as 作“尽管/虽然”,引导让步状语从句,由于语法需要,把表语/状语/动词提于句首六、so ..that..,such ..that..的句子结构中,若so,such 和与其所修饰的词置于句首,实行部分倒.七、若if 引导的虚拟条件句中有were,had,should 时,可将if省,把were,had ,should 放主语之前.八、充当地点状语的介词短语放句首,全倒.九、在表示愿望的感叹句,倒装.十、There be 句型,。

4. 把下面这些句子改为倒装句,谢谢大家了,哪位英语水平高的帮忙做一下

1.l don't want sympathy! 2.He would not yield,though death threatened him.3.You mustn't miss that trip to Niagara.4.The boy came down on his head 5.The medical records and conduct sheets were piled on the desk in front of him.6.The last story is completely different7.A man dressed in a black gown walked in.8.He who is devoted to a just cause lives without fear.

1.l don't want sympathy! 2.He would not yield,though death threatened him.3.You mustn't miss that trip to Niagara.4.The boy came down on his head 5.The medical records and conduct sheets were piled on the desk in front of him.6.The last story is completely different7.A man dressed in a black gown walked in.8.He who is devoted to a just cause lives without fear.

5. 将以下几个句子改为倒装句

Hardly had the bus stopped the when people ran towards it.Not until the boy visited Beijing did he know what the Great Wall be like.Busy as he is, Dick always finds time to read.Not only did the man hear the UFO, but also he saw it.Little did we know about each other's past when we first met。


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