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successor to the throne1一位可能的王位继承人与平民缔结婚约,这种事还只是第二次。

It's only the second time a potential heir to the throne has married a commoner. 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考2你和菲奥娜是下一任王位继承人。 You and Fiona are next in line for the throne. provided by jukuu 3温斯顿我是下一个王位继承人。

Winston, I'm next in line for the throne. provided by jukuu 4他是王位继承人。 He is heir to the throne. provided by jukuu 52008年,查尔斯王子超过了他的曾曾祖父爱德华七世,成为英国史上等待继位时间最长的王位继承人。

In 2008, he became the longest-waiting heir in British history, overtaking his great-great grandfather Edward VII. 8王位继承人肯定要保住其继承权。 The heir to the throne must uphold his succession. 9为什麽英国王位继承人被称之为威尔斯王子? Why is the heir to the throne called the Prince of Wales? 10威尔士王子是王位继承人。

The prince of Wales is heir to the throne. provided by jukuu 11在英国,通常由下一位王位继承人摄政。 In the UK, it is customary for the next heir to the throne to be regent. 12这名王室新成员也将继其祖父查尔斯王子、父亲威廉王子和她哥哥乔治王子之后,成为英国王位继承人。

The latest royal joins the line of succession behind her grandfather Prince Charles, father Prince William and brother Prince George. 13现任女王伊拉莎白二世继承王位时,查尔斯年仅三岁,当时身为长子的他便成了王位继承人。 Charles was just three when his mother became Queen, making him, as her eldest son, heir to the throne. 14法国的最低点发生在英格兰的亨利五世串赢得了胜利,征服了大部分的国家,而他将自己视为法国王位继承人。

The French low point occurred when Henry V of England won a string of victories, conquered great chunks of the country and had himself recognised as heir to the French throne. 15英国史上等待继位时间最长的王位继承人查尔斯王子近日谈到他已经等不起了。 Prince Charles, the longest-waiting heir to the throne in British history, has spoken of his 'impatience' to get things done. 16继弟弟哈里王子后,这位英国王室的第二王位继承人也将在这所“精英院校”接受培训成为一名军官。

The second-in-line to the British throne is following younger brother Prince Harry into the elite academy to train to become an officer. provided by jukuu 17英国军方说,英国王位继承人中排名第三的哈里王子将随他所属的部队被部署到伊拉克。 British military authorities say Prince harry, the third in line to britain's throne, will be deployed to Iraq with his military unit. provided by jukuu 18理查德现在是安茹帝国的王位继承人。

Richard was now heir to the throne of the Angevin empire. provided by jukuu 19王位继承人查尔斯对美国的费城进行了两天的访问,就年轻人发展问题,城市重建问题以及环境资源管理问题表示关注。 The King-to-be took in the sights of Philadelphia as part of the two-day visit to the United States that focuses on youth development, Urban renewal and environment stewardship. blog.sina.com.cn 20多年来,大多数比利时人一直认为,国王阿尔伯特二世和宝拉王后最小的儿子,40岁的劳伦特是不会结婚的。

这位排序第8的王位继承人,喜爱赛车胜过安家度日。 For years most Belgians assumed that Laurent, 40, the youngest son of King Albert ⅱ and Queen Paola and eighth in line to his country's throne, would never marry, preferring fast cars to settling down. 21确实,彼得•菲利浦斯是第十顺位的王位继承人,而詹娜•布什很快就不再是第一双胞胎女儿,因此她可能比他有更大的自由,但她现在仍然是第一女儿。

It's true that Peter Phillips is 10th in line for the throne and Jenna Bush will soon no longer be First Twin, so perhaps she has more freedom than he, but still. 22因胡安娜的哥哥,姐姐及姐姐之子皆先于伊莎贝拉女王死掉,胡安娜便成为西班牙卡斯蒂利亚王国唯一之王位继承人。 Antecedent to the queen's death, Juana's older brother, older sister, and older sister's son had all become deceased leaving Juana the heir to the throne of Castile. blog.sina.com.cn 23查尔斯王储无疑是王室历史上最训练有素的王位继承人,但民众似乎不太乐意接受他成为国王。

Even though he is undoubtedly the best-trained heir to the throne we've ever had, the public seem reluctant to accept him as king. www.crazyenglish.org24一项民调显示,威廉王子的支。



king 英 [kɪŋ] 美 [kɪŋ]

1、名词 n.国王;(纸牌中的)老K,(国际象棋的)王;…之王


3、形容词 adj.巨型的








1、king cobra眼镜王蛇

2、king post中柱,桁架中柱,脊瓜柱,主柱

3、king salmon大鳞大麻哈鱼

4、king crab鲎

5、king of beasts n.狮(百兽之王)

6、king's ransom n. 大量之金钱, 高价

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