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1 The other people are lying on the beach.

2 They have got married for ten years.






1.I have never been to the farm

2.My brother has not come back yet.

3.In 1992 he lived here

4.I have known them for five years

5.Since his move to Fuzhou, he has been living here.

6.They have been married for ten years.

7.It would have opened a long time?

8.The door has been closed for two days.

9.I joined the League for two years.


Have you ever eaten fish and chips?

I have just losted my Chemistry book.

I have never been to that farm.

He has had his lunch.

Have you ever watched that film?

I have came to this farm for 5 years

My brother hasn't came back.

I have seen this movie last week.

He lived here in 1992.

I have bought this dictionary for 3 years.

He has left China for 5 years.

I have known them for 5 years.

They have gone to America for 5 years.

He has lived here since he moved to 福州.

They have married for ten years.

Tom has finished his homework.He is now available.吉姆已经做完作业,他现在有空了。

He received a letter yesterday.他昨天收到一封信。

My father has been to Great Wall.我父亲以前到过长城。

She hasn't watched that new movie.她还没有 看过那部新电影。

She has gone to Shanghi.她去过上海。

Where has he been to these days?他这些天上哪去了?

Did they tidy up the classroom?他们已经打扫了教室吗?

We have known each other for 20 years.我们已经认识有二十年了。

SInce then,she has been living there.打那以后,她一直住着。

''Have you ever been to there?'' ''No,I have never been to there.''“你曾经到过那里吗?”“不,我从来没有到过那里。”

My sister has become a college student for three years.我妹妹成为一个大学生已经三年啦。

How long has this meeting been lasted?这会已开了多长时间啦?

This door has closed for two days.门已经关了两天了。

I have entered this group for two years.我入团两年了。

They have known each other since 1999.自从1999年以来他们就认识。





英文翻译:Until next month you will be married for ten years. Rice before I get home I will get the house a thorough cleaning. They will go to eat breakfast before I got up. She will finish her homework before by Wednesday. When we returned home, the children have to sleep。.。

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